It all started in the backseat of a converted old ambulance 2,500 miles from home. I had never heard someone tell a story like you do, winding roads through moments that no one else seemed to notice. Each chapter of the story peeling back new layers of wit, insight, and curiosity. The laughter flowed easy in those early moments of falling in love. 

We were traveling home having spent a month in Chiapas, Mexico, learning about the resistance movements for justice and self-determination alongside about a dozen of our classmates and our beloved professor, Ken Brown. Our minds & hearts were on fire, wide open to the possibilities...full of big questions, big dreams, big passion. 

20 years later I still love dreaming with you. The stories still keep me on the edge of my seat, goofy grinned having lost all sense of composure. The invitation made in those first tender & electric days traveling through Mexico remains...tell me stories, tell me your dreams...I want to know everything.  


I've written other love songs but the song "Tell me Stories" holds a special place in my heart. It definitely took it's time in becoming fully realized, having gone through many starts & stops & new versions & newer versions. From those first moments of inspiration to the studio session with some of the finest humans/musicians/friends around, the creation of this track has been one of my most moving & memorable musical experiences. So much love & gratitude to Seth Hendricks, Lindsay Lou, Seth Bernard, Brennan Andes, Abby Alwin, Jim Roll, David Hupp, Grace Rother, and Nate Shull for your beautiful participation in this creation.  -Chris Good